clean clear cold drink

The Best Source of Drinking Water

Water makes up over 70% of our body composition and is a most influential and vital component we need to maintain health and prevent deterioration. For water to be effective in our bodies it needs to contain beneficial minerals that have been totally assimilated. This helps to nourish and protect our cells. It should be slightly alkaline which is necessary to assure that body fluid do not become or remain acidic. Water is one of the body’s first defences against an acidic pH.

Contamination in our environment from toxic waste, pesticides and fungicides, etc. has led to a critical depletion of the minerals in our food and water. This has given rise to an unbalance in the chemistry of our body and the formation of destructive substances known as free radicals. Free radicals destroy our cells and can cause the body to degenerate.

Benefits Consuming Healthy Water

An increase in healthy water can enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, skin hydration, detoxification and almost every aspect of our health.  Healthy water can also help prevent and even reverse some common ailments and illnesses we experience today  such as

  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis
  • Ulcers
  • Asthma
  • Morning fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue

These common symptoms can be prevented and even reversed by regulating the body’s natural fluid by consuming sufficient amounts of healthy water. Medical theory is coming to the realization that by giving the body the right tools in the form of water, minerals and nutrients you can prevent and reverse many ailments.

Sources of Water

Today you have so many different sources of water you can choose from, that it can sometimes be confusing as to which one is best for you. Following the principle of healthy water having totally assimilated minerals, is free of contaminants and is slightly alkaline. Let’s take a look at some of the popular sources of water.

Tap water

Tap water is currently the most used source of water worldwide because it is cheap and easily accessible. Tap water however goes through a rigorous process before coming to your taps.

  1. Water is taken from lakes, rivers, streams, etc. and passed through screens to remove heavy debris, e.g. wood, leaves, etc.
  2.  A chemical called Alum or Aluminum Sulfate is then added to entrap and absorb impurities. Aluminium sulfate has been linked to heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
  3. The water is then left in a suspended state to allow sediments to separate from the water.
  4. The water separated from the sludgy sediments is then passed through six feet of sand to further filter it.
  5. The filtered water is then treated with chlorine to disinfect it and kill harmful pathogens. Chlorine is a known poison and was been used as poisoned gas in WW1. Dr Joseph M. Prince MD. Author of Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine has theorized that the chlorine in our water may be a major contributor to heart disease.
  6. Sometimes Calcium Hydroxide (lime) is added to the water to alkaline it and prevent erosion of the pipe works.


Bottled Water

Most bottled water is just tap water that has been purified. Purification may mean passing the water through a carbon filter or through a reverse osmosis purification system. Some bottle water manufacturers also tend to sell distilled water. These purification methods do remove chlorine and some impurities, but they also remove beneficial minerals. These minerals are important in helping the cells absorb and utilize water. If the water lacks minerals your body may try to get them from other areas of the body such as organs and tissues which can lead to deficiencies in those minerals. 

There are some bottled waters that I’ve tested that are ok to use but we still need to consider that they are in plastic bottles which if not BPA free can be toxic. These are Caribbean Spring, Fiji Water, Evian, Blue Mountain and Water One.

Rain Water

Depending on the area you live rainwater may be loaded with toxins absorbed from the atmosphere.

Filtered Water

Filtered water is another popular way to get water. Not all filtration systems are made the same, however. There are very few that are able to generate water that is considered healthy. Filtered water is the most viable option if you live in a fast pace environment. Two of the best water filter on the market is the Berkey Water Filter and Epicwater Filter Pitcher. It removes 100% of the most common toxins found in water without removing minerals. It also removes pathogens (bacteria, parasites, viruses).

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Purchase on Amazon


Your body will not function efficiently, without the consumption of adequate levels of healthy water. Most of the water that fits into our fast pace lifestyle is not good for us. They lack beneficial minerals and may be toxic. The only source of water that is free of contaminants and still contains the substances necessary for healthy living is filtered water (depending on the filter). 


pH Testers

You can use the following pH testers to help determine the alkalinity of your water. Water with a pH of 7 and above will be the better options.

Liquid pH Tester
Litmus Paper pH Tester

2 thoughts on “The Best Source of Drinking Water”

  1. Yes, good morning, an interesting article,.
    You did not write anything about the watet I drink
    Spring water from a spring nearby.

    1. Spring water is actually the best water for our bodies. Once you get it from an uncontaminated source that is. Thank you for reminding me of it. I will add it to the list and update the article.

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