
Assists with all-female reproductive issues including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of proper menstruation), PMS, ovulation disorders, etc. Discharges, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids (adrenal weakness), prolapsed uterus, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding, which is estrogen dominance), hot flashes and cramping (low thyroid function).

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All-female reproductive issues including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of proper menstruation), PMS, ovulation disorders, etc. Discharges (use Lymphatic and Parasite Formulas, as well), endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids (adrenal weakness), prolapsed uterus, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding, which is estrogen dominance), hot flashes and cramping (low thyroid function), edema, under-developed or sagging breasts, dry vaginal walls (low estrogen levels), premature births (estrogen dominance), tones the female body, cancers of the female reproductive organs (see notes), low sex drive (also underactive thyroid).

General: 1 full dropper 3 to 6 times a day.

Acute: 1 full dropper every 4 hours.


NOTE: You may wish to douche with this formula as well. Use 2 to 3 full droppers in skin temperature water. Our Heal All Tea is exceptional for A-typical cells, fibroids, cysts, female cancers, etc. (as a douche).

NOTE: Females produce a type of estrogen primarily in 4 places: the liver, fat cells, ovaries and adrenal glands. Estrogen being very acidic causes premature loss of pregnancy, difficulty in conceiving, excessive bleeding problems, cysts, fibroids, fibromyalgia, fibrocystic issues, to name a few. This formula is designed to help the body bring progesterone into balance.

NOTE: In cancers of the cervix, uterus, ovaries or vaginal wall, a heavy detoxification program is essential. Douching 2 to 4 times a day is also highly recommendedl. Use with the Lymphatic System and Parasite Formulas, as well as the Heal-All Tea. This is an excellent douching tea.

NOTE: 75% (or more!) of females are considered estrogen dominant. Low blood pressure, excessive bleeding, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, premature births, sore breasts, osteoporosis, inability to conceive, etc. are just a few of the indicators of low progesterone levels. Low progesterone production occurs mainly from adrenal insufficiency. Use the Adrenal Formula to enhance and regenerate the adrenals. Low blood pressure is just one indicator of adrenal weakness. The ovaries and pituitary gland may also be involved.

NOTE: Hot flashes and cramping can be an indicator of thyroid weakness. Add Thyroid Formula to your program if this is the case.

NOTE: The Heal-All Tea is advised in all female cancers, A-typical cells, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, etc

Expiration Date:  Powders and loose teas should be refrigerated after opening for longest freshness and potency.  Tinctures and capsules do not need to be refrigerated but should be stored in a cool, dark location (out of direct light).  This will ensure longest freshness and potency.  The date reflected on the bottom of the bottle is the standard “expiration” date.  If stored properly these products will last far beyond the recommended expiration date.

Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Chaste Tree Berry
Black Haw Bark
Blue Cohosh
Squaw Vine
Ligustrum Lucidium
Wild Yam Root
Red Raspberry Leaf
Damiana Leaf
Suma Root


Alterative, analgesic, antibilious, anticatarrhal, anti-emetic, antigalactagogue, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, bitter, blood purifier, cardiac, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, emetic (in large doses), hemostatic, hepatic, hormonal, nervine, nutritive, oxytocic, parasiticide, parturient, stimulant, stomachic, uterine tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.


Do not use during pregnancy.


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