Ashwagandha Extract Powder


What is Ashwagandha used for?

  • supports a healthy immune system
  • and helps to reduce everyday stress.*
  • increases muscle strength, performance and endurance
  • protects against cellular damage due to its antioxidant effect
  • supports mental health

Availability: In stock

Ashwagandha Root has been honoured for Centuries in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health science. Ashwagandha is considered to be an Adaptogen. In traditional herbalism, an adaptogen is a group of herbs that are commonly used to support the body in dealing with the onslaughts and stresses of life, both environmental, physical, emotional, and mental*. Ashwagandha Extract Powder supports overall good health and well-being as well as a healthy response to stress*.


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Ashwagandha Extract Powder

Availability: In stock